President Maduro Launches Movement to Empower Venezuelan Women

April 12, 2024 Hour: 9:31 am

On Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the creation of the “Josefa Joaquina Sanchez” Great Movement of Women’s Movements and swore in 517 women as part of this organization’s first promotional team.


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“From now on, our country’s prospects are immense and they are in women’s hands,” the Bolivarian leader said, adding that the population is more united than ever to ensure that goods and services related to health, education, and production reach Venezuelan women.

The Josefa Joaquina Sanchez Great Movement of Women’s Movements was created to strengthen the organization of women in the fight for equality and social justice.

It will promote the women’s empowerment agenda through meetings in the 4,500 communal circuits in Venezuelan territory, where over 200,000 women’s committees are operating.

The text reads, “Currently, women have social and communal leadership. At the national level, they represent the 70 percent of the democratically elected spokespersons of all Communal councils. Over 80 percent of Street and Community leaders are women. Over 80 percent of the Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP) are led by women in each community.”

“Josefa Joaquina Sanchez, who was born in 1765 in La Guaira, was a woman who participated in the ‘Gual and Spain Conspiracy’, which was organized by her husband, the Venezuelan military man Jose Maria España,” the EcoSocialism Ministry recalled.

“She is primarily remembered for having promoted the conspiracy and the making of the revolutionary movement’s flag,” it added.

The swearing-in event was attended by personalities such as legislator Cilia Flores-Maduro, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, Science & Tech Minister Gabriela Jimenez, and Women & Gender Equality Minister Dheliz Alvarez.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: VTV - EcoSocialism Ministry